
Have been in a funk all day..not sure exactly why, but I think perhaps waking up to news that part of the world blew up while I slept could be a factor. Fucking assholes. What is the point????? Nothing is accomplished, no point gets proven - there is no goodness as a result. How can anyone live like that, with that mindset? I don't understand and don't Want to understand.
Those poor Londoners, going about the business of life, doing their thing, keeping the world revolving - stopped. Violently. They didn't do anything to deserve that. RIP to all of them, and sending blessings to the hundreds injured.
Not to be self-involved, but, back to me for a sec.
Shouldn't 100 mgs of Zoloft be making me feel better? I feel calmer in some respects, but.. sometimes, the sadness just overtakes me. Not like, oh, poor me, but like... everyone else is really annoying and they suck and I hate everybody and just wanna be home with my babies.
hmm... Maybe it's cause people DO suck.
OHHHHH - Big Brother starts tonight!! WHOOOOHOOO. I Love this show. I wish it was on Every night like it was the first year. Can't Wait! And now I'll have even more reason to sit in bed most of the day and surf - got some feeds to watch! :)
As for my other BB show - Hunter can go to hell. Poor Brooke. Brookie should hook up with Jack Wagner anyway.. he's hot, he sings better than BabyComeBack Ridge, is smarter, and... well, I'm just about Over Ridge Fucking Forrester!! Douche!
Coming back to the topic at hand... I think it's that people continually disappoint me. And my standards are NOT even that high!
Like, the thing is.. individually, most times, a person is fine. Get them to interact, be kind to them, and uuuuuusally, they'll respond in kind. But there's something about people en masse that ruins it. A herd mentality or something. Since I drive so much, I really get the Type A-holes out there who have something weird to prove. And then at the supermarket - it's like they forget common sense and get in a little bubble and just do things to piss you off.
You know??? Anybody understand what I'm saying???
Maybe I'm just thinking about it all more lately because we Might bring a kid into the world.. and Look at it!
I know I was born smack dab during the Vietman War, and it went on well after I started kindergarten, yet it didn't affect my life at all (then, is what I'm saying), and life went on, and so forth. It just seems like a whole new ball of wax now. Life is short enough as it is, why do those fuckers have to make it so fucking scary for everyone???
The pic is of me and Sweetie down in Newport by the Breakers mansion on Mother's Day.
A bit chilly and windy, but... a good moment.
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