Cutest little girl ever

We just watched "In America" last night (thanks Netflix!), and one of the girls in it was the most precious thing I've ever seen. I hadn't really cared about seeing it - the little I read didn't spark my interest, but Sweetiedarling did, so, there ya go.
It was actually really good (4 stars). If we have an Aerin one day, I'd love it if she were like little Ariel in this movie.
Lil LadyLoo is working out so well. She's finally learned how to use the little stool to get up on the bench which gets her up on the bed (it's a tall bed). She pretty much lets us know when she has to go out.. though, when I'm home, I let them out all the time. She loves the food (Merrick, esp. Turducken!), seems to really enjoy having the company of two doggie sisters and two kitty sisters. And she Really has taken to Michael. She wags her tail like crazy when he's around.
So... I don't really have any bitterness towards her former owners. They obviously cared for and loved her a great deal, and gave her lots of love. The only thing that troubles me is sometimes when I go to pet her, she flinches a bit at my hand near her face. Don't wanna even think why that is, but, it IS getting better, as she realizes we would never strike her.
ONE WEEK til Fi comes!! I can't Wait!!! Can't Can't Can't Wait!!! : )
8 years is entirely too long between visits... last time she flew me to D.C. to stay for... hmm.. not sure how many days it was, but enough to do some sightseeing.. at the Zoo, and the Smithsonian, where we saw a fabulous showing of Lord Leighton's work, amongst others.
The cherry blossoms were in full bloom then.. probably the best time to see the Capital. And it was during Clinton's term, and well before anything scary had happened. So, it was all good.
She and I have been all over the globe since then... me moving to San Francisco from Indiana, and then back across the country again to here in Rhode Island with the love of my life...
She also drove all over the country and now is far far away on a tiny island with the love of her life...
It's all good. :)
Sweetie helped me SO MUCH yesterday, cleaning up the blue room. Dang - I shoulda taken a before pic. It was Really bad. But it's damn near livable now.. just need to finish organizing and sorting, and then cleaning, and it'll be all set for Fi to stay in.
Moved the futon up to the office - gonna try to lure the cats to start staying in there instead of the blue room... ordered a yellow pleather cover, which we hope will be better at repelling Bella's hair, which just goes Everywhere.
Today he chopped down a lot of our front bushes... going to do something out there next spring... either much better plantings, or build a proper porch. The little cement stoop ain't all that groovy, though it's ok. If Sweetie can do it, I think a porch would be fab.
Couldn't have a cuter little house here. I love it.
though..... drove to Karen's the other day, to pick up some meds for the dogs, and Max's records, and it was like another world out there. "South County" - which is not actually the name of ANY county in RI, but rather, a regional name that everyone here understands - is soooo different than the rest of the state. Reminded me so much of my house in Nashville Indiana, where I spent 6 lovely years all by myself.
And it was perfect, weather wise... a bit overcast, everything dewy and misty from a good solid rain the day before, not too hot... not cold enough to be chilled... and GREEN GREEN GREEN everywhere... lots and lots of trees and plants and bushes and... Ohhhhh... soooo lovely. Another world. I listened to my Antigone Rising cd, and it was perfect. Put me in a whole 'nother state of mind, which I seem to have needed, and which I'm trying to hang onto.
Time to go make a yummy meatloaf for dinner. Sweetie is off to Lowe's, getting boy stuff.
Anybody have any Netflix suggestions - your fave movies?? I have over 300 in my queue, but always up for ideas.
I loved your description of Nashville! It IS green! I absolutely love it in the winter, too.
I had to come over and say hey, since you were kind enough to come visiting at my place. It sounds like you're such a caring and loving mama. This refreshes my faith in people, which had been getting stretched a bit thin lately.
I'm a fellow migraine sufferer. It's been better in recent years, with the frequency and expanse of the pain lessening. But I know what it is. And I know what it's like to have people look at you and virtually accuse you of being a big wussy who just wanted a nap. It sucks.
Hey! We both have a Lulu! Hee!
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