Ain't he purty????
Yeaaaaaaaaaa - JD won!
The new lead singer of, our band, INXS.
My girl Janelle didn't win Big Brother, but, I know she'll do more than fine, as will Howie and Kaysar....
However - JD (easily) beat out Mig and Marty tonight.
Some of them were really good, but there just wasn't any question who should lead this band, following on the heels of Michael Hutchence.
I don't get the hatas out there... so he had an 'attitude' - it was Confidence and Dreams, man! It was destiny... and I will soooo buy the new CD.
God it was so freaking humid today. UGH.
Just rather unbearable. I can't live on a day like this. AND - got a lovely migraine to top it off.
That was fun. Took 1 1/2 Imitrex to get rid of it. When you only have 18 for the month, that's bad.
Sweetie was just looking at the Schnauzer magazine I got today at Petsmart.
Never cared about reading breed-specific things before, since I don't really care what breed my babies are when they come to me. But, especially after getting Lady, and seeing how "Beagley" she is, and having lived with Lulu's unique traits for 2 years, and trying to treat her skin problems, decided to look them up. Lulu is SUCH a Schnauza - it's so funny.
Tonight when Sweetie came home, she sang such a song!! She does every day, mostly for him, but this one was truly different. She's so funny.
Hearing the excerpts he read led me to look up Schnauzer rescues online, and while I didn't find any close to me - NOT that we're looking - just wanted to see what the resources are out there - again, logged onto a site that showed me all the other local babies who URGENTLY need homes.
It's so sad.. There was one especially, Calamity Jane, a Staffordshire Terrier, whose owners just gave her up one day, at 8 yrs old, and walked away. How can people live with themselves??? HOW can they abandon their babies????????
If I was making a life change where I had to ultimately take my dog or cat to a shelter and just Leave it - I would be making a different life change!!!! Nothing is written in stone... Life is ALL about choice!! "My new apartment won't take pets" - then DON'T MOVE THERE!!!
"my new S.O. doesn't like my pet" - THEN DUMP THEM!
Oh, this is rich - I went to Petsmart today, like I mentioned, and there were several kitties in there... reading their tags about why they were "surrendered" - UGH! "Travel too much", "allergies", "peed on the floor" - GEE, you ASSHOLES! WHY did you get them in the first place?????
My cat peed on the floor too! You know why??? She had a UTI! Duh! Which she is now on medicine for, and she's getting better. My poor Max messed on the floor many many times in the last couple years. Yes, it was tiresome at times, but... he was our BABY. Our FAMILY. We found ways around it, ways to cope.... You DO what you Gotta DO! And when it's a member of your FAMILY - there should not be any confusion as to what to do!!!!
THIS is why I hate people so much sometimes. Honestly. The ignorance and apathy and just general all around incompetence at LIFE astounds and infuriates me.
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