Following Thru

It feels good. It'll be a long road... a slow but steady upward climb, but... I have begun. And it feels good.
Indeed, did my Taebo yesterday. And as usual, Billy kicked my ass. However, he kicked it a little too hard! I have the new Bootcamp DVDs, and I used the Billy Bands on the Basic tape, and O.M.G. It killed me. My ARMS! Oh God My Arms!!!! Actually, I started dying with the warmup push ups. : (
But, I got as far as I could and then just skimmed the rest. Had been looking forward to doing legwork, but I was so shaky, no way. So, I think on Monday, I'm gonna go back to a couple DVDs I know and love, and build up my stamina with those, and "reward" myself with BootCamp down the road when I know for certain I'm strong enough to TRY to handle it.
Damn that man! ; )
Also, this morning, am having some yummy fresh strawberries.
Of course, we're going out to breakfast at Denny's after bit (hubby's idea - who am I to tell him no?? ;))... and then an afternoon of fun errands down Rt. 2.
But hey - it's Something! Had my Kashi yesterday after my "workout".
And made dinner from a Marilu Henner recipe - Spinach Risotto. Mmmmmmmm. Delish.
So, baby steps, people. And I'm good with baby steps, because inherent in baby STEPS is moving FORWARD. It's not standing still anymore.
I made sure to take my weight yesterday. Noooot comfortable posting that just yet. I think I can remember what it is. But as soon as I see significant initial loss, in LBs or inches, I shall begin posting. Because I am fucking Serious about this.
I know this whole past year was supposed to be "The Year", as I didn't want to turn 40 and still be fat. But.. hey. I still have 4 months, less a day, to make a nice fucking Dent in it, so, whatever. I'm ok with that. I'm done beating myself up. What good comes of that???
I've got enough people willing to beat me up (ok, maybe just a couple down in Narragansett) that I don't need to help them out.
I've got all kinds of plans for next year, including driving or flying to Alabama next spring to visit my Brini. Stay a week or so, and then we're going to drive up to Indiana to surprise Elyse when she graduates in May sometime. And then, I'm thinking I'll go on up to Mom's and get her packed up to come out and visit with me for a small bit. And then in August is Laura's wedding - and I want to look GOOD for those pics! My girl Kate will be almost 16, and I know she and Laura will be looking oh so glam.. I want to have a beautiful photo of the three of us.
And then at some point, maybe after the wedding, I want to go visit Sunny in Boulder. Wanna check that place out - she seems to love it, and I've always been curious.
And it seems like a reasonably safe place from natural disasters. Just a bit of snow maybe, but, I'm ok with snow.
Tomorrow it's supposed to be warmer so am going to plant the last of my ground cover that's been sitting out there for over a month now, and some bulbs that will hopefully come up next spring. A bit more of yard cleanup - and then just waiting for leaves to fall off... hmmm... as gargantuan and regal as our tree is - we should name her.... well, when the leave fall off her, wanna just be able to blow them all in a big pile and bag'em and be done with it. Outside projects will be fini then.
Have been having really good chats with Mom lately. It's soooo nice. I'm guessing it's partially because she's back on her meds. She better damn well stay ON them!! But, when we talk, she sounds normal, and I am always thankful when that happens. She's coherent, she's listening, she's not depressed, she has things to talk about, she asks me questions.... it's all good. : )
Luv my mommy... I shorely do.
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