The Goddess I Want to Become

WHY do I stay "stuck"????I'm turning 40 in about 4 months, and I'm still stuck in Stucksville, USA. Stuck in bad food, old habits, non-oxygen living. I've DONE the other stuff - the Good stuff - and Loved how I felt doing it. "Somehow" ended up back here in the Crap Zone of Life, and I REALLY want to change, to *BE* different.
Yet, each night I think, OK - Tomorrow I am SOOOO doing my Taebo/eating better. Yet, the morning comes, and here I lay. In bed, surrounded by my cute lil dogs, watching tv, surfing... the morning goes... and it turns into another day where I didn't *DO* what I planned, what I Want, what I NEED to do!!! I want to be a Goddess! I want to be lean, fit, healthy! I WANT - I know I must DO.
... this is a little cathartic. spilling my guts to you here. I think perhaps I Can do it this next morning. I WILL do my 30 mintues of oxygenated living. I WILL have my Kashi/bananas/soy milk breakfast. I WILL make a good choice for lunch and dinner. I WILL drink liter upon liter of water. Life giving, Life affirming water. I sweated like a pig this summer.I do NOT want to be FAT next year, my 40th summer on earth. I want to wear cute tanks, little shorts, free and fabulous. I have at least 6 months til the Warm weather comes again. That can be at LEAST 60 pounds off my goddess-in-the-making body. Kick it up a notch during the hot summer months, eating lighter, moving even more - can lose easily another 30-40, and Presto - I'm about where I want to be, not even a whole year from now.
A Year - feels/looks like forever.Day by Day - we all know goes by LIKETHIS!Day 1 - Tomorrow - a Thursday, not a Monday - I will begin. I have ALREADY begun, by deciding right NOW to start making better choices.
I am excited. I am finally fucking Ready. I've Been ready... I just lacked the true desire and discipline. If I want to be a Goddess, I have to earn it.
What the fuck is all that crap in the comments. AdvertiZZZZements???
Holy shit! Here you are
pouring your guts out and thats what was commented. Screw that!!!
YOU KEEP YOUR HEAD UP AND DO IT GIRL!!!! Teabo...Susan Powers....Kathy Austin...whatever it takes lady. You can do it.
You have a lovely smile and you will be even more beautiful when you reach your goal. (:o) Sorry about your doggy!
Thank you, anonymous, for your kind words. Appreciate you reading and the support.
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