The 100 list thingie

Ok, so I've enjoyed reading other people's lists, so I'm going to attempt to create one myself. If only for my own enjoyment. :)
1. I have the best husband in the world.
2. I met him on the Internet almost 9 years ago.
3. When I met him, I'd totally and completely given up on men. I still think most of them are scum. This theory is bourne out nearly every day somehow.
4. I love my babies second best to BHITW.
5. All of them are rescued.
6. I don't believe in "buying" pets, yet when I go to the pet store, it takes a lot of strength to not get at least one. I want to save all of them.
7. I love Brighton bags and wallets. Even though the bags are never big enough.
8. I can't do small handbags. Tried. Can't. Need a big ole satchel thingie to carry my shit.
9. My shit includes: a big ole Brighton wallet; a "makeup" bag full of all kinds of essentials that I might need during the day, or if I ever got stranded for some reason; my planner - currently Anne Taintor, who I love; a bottle of water - ALWAYS; something to read - ALWAYS; tissues; phone; camera; and a little pouch of special stones and rocks and trinkets that I love to play with.
10. I LOVE Anne Taintor. (that needed it's own listing)
11. I love Tivo. Don't know how I lived without it.
12. Love Taebo. It kicks my ass, but other than running (when I'm in shape), nothing has made me feel more exhilarated.
13. Most I ever ran at once was 4 miles. In college, when I used to go run every night. I got in Awesome shape.
14. In the middle of my freshman year at college, I passed some "popular" boys from high school - they couldn't believe it was me. Seems I had been transformed. :)
15. My dad died over 10 years ago.
16. We had many many unresolved issues that will haunt me forever, because I can never get closure on them.
17. Such as - Why did he sleep with my grandma????????????
18. And why did he live in Florida and W.Va. my whole life, instead of sticking around and being a FATHER????????
19. Why couldn't he accept me as I was, instead of always asking the same 3 questions: Do I have a boyfriend? Have I lost weight? Did I go to church? ..... yes to any and all of those would have thrilled them. I think that accounts for a lot of issues in my 20s, and things that I'm still trying to shake approaching 40.
20. Contrary to my father's ridiculous assertions - Shirley MacLaine is NOT a CULT!! (*rolling eyes*)
21. I met Shirley once, at Westbury in 1991, and got her to sign one of my books. :)
22. I met Marilu Henner backstage on Broadway 3 years ago. She still knows my name, even though I don't frequent her website much anymore.
23. I love Madonna.
24. Saw Madonna in concert for the first time summer of 2004 - 20 years after I became and remained a loyal fan.
25. I cried watching her performed, thinking about the full circle moment of that.
26. Her body fucking Rocks! Especially her thighs! She is my inspiration.
27. I love horror movies. Not slasher gore ones - scary spooky ones. Esp. from the 70s.
28. I have a real fondness for Motown because my mother did.
29. My first (famous) crush was Barry Gibb. Mom took me to see the BeeGees in 79, I was 13.
30. The first album (LP) I bought myself was Kool and the Gang.
31. My first cassette tape was the Stray Cats. (????)
32. Don't remember my first CD, but it took me forever to come around and decide to give up cassettes.
33. I started watching CBS soaps when I was in grade school. I still sorta keep up on all of them, but only now watch The Bold and the Beautiful - and have since it debuted.
34. I got my husband to watch B&B with me. :)
35. I have one set of friends - the Carle twins - I've known since I was 6 years old.
36. I've had 3 step parents and 9 step siblings.
37. I've held 6 nanny jobs since 1987.
38. I've cared for 13 children as a nanny.
38. Kate, the only girl I've cared for, is the One who finally got me to realize I want my own child.
39. All of my grandparents are dead.
40. I have many living relatives - my dad alone had 10 siblings, and my first cousins there are over 50, and now most of them have children, but I don't speak to any of them.
41. If they are truthfull with themselves, they know why.
42. It's scary having only my mom as my only link to my past, my family, my history.
43. I graduated 39th out of my h.s. class of over 400.
44. My gpa was 3.42
45. I almost flunked out of Ball State.
46. I joined a sorority - Alpha Sigma Alpha. I still have two very good friends from that.
47. I have naturally curly hair.
48. I got it cut super short last year and it's taking forever to grow out.
49. It'll never be short again!!
50. My eyes are hazel and they change colors with what I'm wearing.
51. Am naturally a brunette, but feel myself with red hair.
52. But trying blonde highlights two years ago was an interesting change.
53. I was a skinny child.
54. Started being a little overweight in high school.
55. I'd kill to be the size I was in high school.
56. 8 years ago, I lost 60 pounds in less than 8 months just by walking. 5 miles a day.
57. I love working out, yet resist it.
58. I'm left handed.
59. My Popo called me 'Shirley' because my hair curled up like Shirley Temple's when it rained.
60. I wish I'd known Popo better. Even if he was a former alcoholic who caused my mom a painful childhood.
61. He was left handed too. And a vet of WWII.
62. The whole time I knew him, he was in a wheel chair with one leg - from diabetes.
63. I was in a near fatal car crash when I was 17. Totalled my car and injured my ankle. I was unconscious for almost an hour.
64. The next winter, I had my first migraine while visiting Dad in Florida.
65. My dad had migraines - he called them 'sinus headaches', but knowing the symptoms as intimately as I now do - they were migraines.
66. Thanks dad.
67. I like my feet. And like my toes to always be painted nice.
68. I feel guilty getting a pedicure, as much as I love how it looks. Having someone at and working on my feel makes me feel weird.
69. Thru high school and college, I had long painted nails. Now I keep them short and plain.
70. If I don't give my age, I still get guessed to be in my 20s.
71. Sometimes when I answer the phone at work, people ask if my mom is home.
72. I got married on the beach in Kauai.
73. Lived for 2 years in San Francisco. I cherish those years.
74. My mom married my dad because he looked like Elvis.
75. At 18.
76. I was 33 when I got married.
77. Other than my dad's family, I have consciously stopped speaking to 3 people. My friend Lisa, and my brother and sister in law. I don't owe any of them any apologies. If they don't know the reasons, it's their bad and I don't care.
78. I have driven myself thru nearly every state in the country. Clear across the country 4 times.
79. When I was in high school, I rode a 1,000 mile bikeathon with my church youth group, from the Indiana state line to Grand Lake, Colorado, in 2 weeks. We averaged 100 miles a day.
80. I had my first boyfriend on that biketrip. I was 15. His name was Brian. Got my first kiss from him a couple weeks before at Memorial Day Camp. My first french kiss in a church on the first night of the bike trip, after a fair.
81. My first sexual experience should've been with him.
82. Instead, it ended up being something really unpleasant in college with someone I only knew that night.
83. If I could take back all the drinking and all the sex I had in college, I would. None of it was good and not worth it.
84. I believe in reincarnation.
85. I don't believe in "God." I believe in an energy force, form undefined, that is accessible by all of us, for good and evil. There have been many prophets - Jesus, Buddha, Allah, etc... they all represent the same thing, taking different roads to the same place.
86. "The Celestine Prophecy" was the first thing I read that truly represented how I believe.
87. I developed a stutter when I was 7, when my mom divorced my first step dad.
88. It has been the most humiliating and embarrassing thing to deal with in my life.
89. Taking Zoloft seems to have helped me... my doctor says I don't have a true stutter, that it's anxiety. I think she's right. And I wish someone had helped me years ago.
90. When I was 21, I took a job as a switchboard operator. I thought I hid my stutter. I didn't.
91. I can truly count my true friends on two hands. I don't talk to them much, but I know we love each other unconditionally.
92. I miss my friend Katia, who lives in Malta dearly. I just got to spend 4 days with her though, after 8 years.
93. If I have a daughter, her name will be Aerin Catherine Celestina Simone. If I have a son.... I may name him Jack. If I'm convinced Sam Simone sounds ok, it'll be Sam. His middle name will be Michael.
94. I think I'd be a good mother.
95. I think Michael will be a good father.
96. I can't believe people actually voted for fucking Bush, TWICE, and all the misery he's brought upon our country. His sins are unforgiveable. I just hope the next President can help repair some of this damage.
97. I didn't like him, but I believed in him after 9/11. I thought he was the right man for the job. I trusted him. He has ruined that a millions times over. He is what got me passionate about politics and my beliefs about freedom and my country.
98. I miss my beloved pets that I have lost over the years.. Heidi the Dachsund, Heidi the Poodle, Pepi, Babi, Gretchen, Kippy, Abby, and last but not least, Maximillian Fartman. And all my fishies from a few years ago.
99. Right now, my family consists of Michael, my mother, my mother in law, and Trixie, Lucy, Lady, Chia and Bella. And my three hermit crabs. :)
100. I am thankful and feel blessed for each day I wake up. Life is a gift, and I hope I end up fulfulling the potential in mine. I especially love life when I go thru a whole day without a migraine. THAT is a BEAUTIFUL day.
Yeah! A new blog!! Your hubby left a comment on my blog and I thought I'd drop by and say hello. I SO have to go to work now!!
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