randomness and hard work

So, it feels like I haven't done much lately, and DEFINITELY have been sleeping a lot more recently... don't know what's up with that, except maybe my hormones are whacked out or something.
But, truth is, I Have done a lot, out in the yard. Somehow though, these projects we do end up taking the whole live long day, so I get nothing Else done.
We're almost done though. Just a few more things to cross off our to-do list for the season.
The nice payoff is our yard looks SO pretty now. I'll post a pic I took today of some of it.
I'm definitely behind in my reading though, and have been for some time. I can't Wait til I am really on top of everything else so I can freely and without guilt sit and just Read whatever, for however long I want. Hard to relax and just do that though when I have other things I KNOW should be done first.
Saw this on the Daily Meme site, and thought I'd play:
week of Nov13.2005: This or That
This or Thatjust tell me which you prefer1. Coke or Pepsi - I don't care, can't tell the difference. Though M. insists he likes coke better. However, whenever I order a cola, I call it 'coke' regardless.
2. Summer or Winter - neither. Both are too extreme for me, though I'll take winter if pressed. Prefer the more moderate fall. I like spring, but spring means summer is coming.
I didn't used to hate summer, but either "I" am different and react to it differently, or the weather is just Really more fucked up now than when I was a kid, but the HUMIDITY of the summers lately are just KILLING ME. I barely went outside all of August, and little of September. UGH.
3. The beach or a pool - being a Pisces, I'll take either. :) Before Katrina I woulda automatically said beach. But now the ocean kinda scares me - you never know when that fucker is gonna flare up and just do you in. I still love the idea of it though. And the plan to *ultimately* have a house on the beach is forever gone - who wants to risk it??? I'll settle for a nice calm lake somewhere Really high up!
Haven't been in a pool in forever. Too fat to get my big butt in a swimsuit. Once I lick that problem, you'll have to Drag me out of a pool!
4. Early morning or late at night - easy - late night. I have, at times, appreciated the early morning, but, eh, it just doesn't rattle my cage. I think you're born one way or the other - no way to really change it.
However, having said that, I AM having M. wake me up in the morning so I can start doing my Taebo RIGHTFUCKINGAWAY and get it done and over with, so I will stop postponing it all morning and then ultimately not doing it at all. I am a total sloth, but do actually like a little order in my life. If I gotta kick my own butt to start doing it, then so be it.
5. DVD or VHS - who still likes VHS?????? For that matter, why go DVD when you can use Tivo??? Although, we do belong to Netflix, so def. DVD for that.
Though, need to stop putting movies on my queue that I really don't have a hinkering to actually sit and watch. Like Hotel Rwanda. I KNOW it's a good movie and everyone raves - much like Crash. But, I know it's depressing subject matter where I'll be tense on the edge of my seat in an uncomfortable way, esp. since it's True....
I keep forgetting about my James Spader movie I also got. :)
That'll be my reward tomorrow for getting my Taebo done AND my Fearless Living homework done.
Damn. At this rate, am only gonna get 6 hours sleep. Shit. 'Course, I DID sleep til 1:00 today.
I was up early for a bit.. had some poptarts and watched some tivo, then back to snoozeville.
ahhhhh.... am i Really expected to do anything else when it's Sunday and M is out playing GOLF at the ungodly hour of 7:00?????
Oh - and a little plug - I got Ted Allen's new cookbook (Queer Eye for the Straight Guy foodie dude), and have made two things. His mashed potatoes are Way better than mine were.
The fried chicken - I need to adjust a few things, like getting a cast iron skillet, but it ultimately turned out Really good. Having those two together filled me up in a quick Hurry (along with steamed carrots.. though, next time we do carrots, I saw a yummy new recipe for roasted carrots in my new Google Recipe of the Day on the homepage.)
And - even better - I had a question for Ted about the chicken and he replied to me less than 12 hours later!!! What a groovy dude!
Ok, time for some shut eye. Whattya think of our yard?? I"ll take better pics in the spring, when the forsythia is blooming yellow and we plant some colorful annuals and such, but this is a taste....
(the tree in the back yard is SO magnificent. i'll have to take a better pic to do it justice. it towers over our two story house. i love it. need to get tree guy out here to give us an estimate to trim and secure it - who knows when the last time was it was tended to - but, i'm so glad it's in Our yard. as you can see, we pretty much planned the design of the yard around it... the path leads to it, with benches in front of it, etc etc. it's very serene and damn close to what we intended when we started out. some tweaking next spring and we're all set.)
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