A fun list

< the basement, pre- new chairrail and minus our cherry furniture - bookcases, futon and entertainment center that now occupy it. when it's Done and Perfect - will post finished version
4 Things I Need Every Morning
• to hug my dogs
• kiss goodbye from my sweetie
• breakfast
• laptop
4 Things that Turn Me Off
• christians
• republicans
• cranky old people - yes, i still hate my neighbor. bitch!
• unstable people
4 Things I Believe In
• my baby's love for me
• that i am living my life right now exactly as i'm meant to - wouldn't change a thing
• unconditional love for all animals, especially my 3 dogs and 3 cats
• the all-emcompassing and uniting and creative energy that is the Universe
4 Things I Am Afraid Of
• death, before i'm ready
• extreme heights - bungy jumping - no; skydiving - no; falling to the earth in a crashing plane - no thank you
• something happening to any of my loved ones
• chipping a tooth
4 Things I Do Everyday
• surf
• kiss my babies and my husband
• bath or shower (i do luv my 2 hour bubble baths)
• eat something sweet
4 Things I Want to Do Before I Die
hmmmmmm.... very interesting... will be pondering this long after i finish this list...
4 People I Want to See
• my friends Brini and Fi, Oprah, and..... think I'll hold onto that 4th choice for now.
4 Numbers that Rule My Life
2281966 - my bday; 1697 - day i met my honey online, and the day a year later he proposed; 9131997 - the day we met; 651999 - the day we married. :)
4 Favorite Colors
• pink
• green
• white
• reserving that choice for now too
no wait... red.. the color of my cave dwelling that is my bedroom. :)
3 Names You Won’t Answer to
• skipping this, b/c a lot of new people tend to call me a variation of my name, and it makes no nevermind to me nohow, and so far other names I'm called are very endearing to me. they are Di - by my girl; Franny - by my bosom buddy; gertrude/motor mouth - by my mom when i was little; sweetie/honey/baby/punkin/puppy - any and all things my sweetiehoneybabypunkinpuppy calls me. :)
• actually, there is one i don't care for - whenever my mom said 'dianalynn' - usually meant trouble was afoot.
3 Parts of Your Heritage
not that I know, because I have no Written proof of anything - thanks hillbilly family!
• Irish
• Welsh
• Cherokee
3 Things You are Wearing Right Now
• undies - der
• pajama bottoms - i'd live in them if i could... though, come to think of it, i've found a way to wear them most of the day lately :)
• pajama top - not matching, but always color coordinated with the bottoms :)
3 Favorite Songs
.... but not necessarily my top 3 ....
• september, by EWF
• Summer Wind, by Sinatra
• One Headlight, Jacob Dylan's band
3 of Your Hobbies
• any form of entertainment via media - surfing, tv/movies, magazines, books
• my furry babies
• organizing
adding a fourth - creative outlet, such as painting. we're currently redoing the basement, and i get lost for hours on end painting all of it to perfection. next up - touching up the whole rest of the house (considering i painted every surface of it when we moved in 3 years ago - def. some spots that need another going over)
3 Places You Want to Visit
• Ireland - check - going there this summer :)
• Greece
• Australia
3 Ways You are Unstereotypically Male/Female
• well, i think i'm pretty girly girl, but the only thing that comes to mind is i can cuss a storm when properly motivated (i.e. huge anger such as anytime i see my bitch neighbor)
Franny! I came to apologise! I passed my addiction on to you. I...I'm Marcellas...and I'm addicted to Babble.
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