Being Thankful

So, it's what they call Turkey Day in these here parts.
And this morning we've gotten our first snow of the year. Still coming down I reckon. Don't know cause I'm still all tucked in bed with 3 sleeping dogs surrounding me and a tryingtosleepmore spouse, curtains closed.
We got all the trimmings to make ourselves a nice feast today. Going to try my hand at making a pumpkin pie even. Though, thanks to last minute shopping, they were out of pumpkin pie spice, so that should be interesting.
Thought I'd start a new tradition for myself and list all the things I can think of that I'm thankful for today. Since I don't want to 'celebrate' what my English ancestors did to the Native Americans 4 score and many more years ago, will suffice to count my blessings as the holiday season progresses and I look forward to a new exciting year of life.
I'm grateful for:
- my sweetie. 8+ years together, 6 1/2 married, haven't for a moment doubted that I picked the right one. He was so worth waiting for. My darling Kate despairs, at the age of 15, of all the jerky idiot boys she has to put up with in high school right now. I tell her - be selective, picky,and patient. I was 33 when I got married and I don't regret a single day of my single life before. It happens when it's meant to - IF you really *listen* to the Universe.
- my babies. Lucy, Trixie, Lady, Chia and Bella. And my beloved Fartman, Max. Ohhhhh I still miss him so. Thought of him the other day when it thundered for a minute - instinctually wondered if he heard it and that I should get home to him pronto. Til I remembered he wasn't there anymore. :(
- all the other furbabies I know and love. Thumbelina, Thaddeus, Casey, Shelby, all my zogs that I walked last year - I miss them.... Luke, Kelsey, Jake, Sammi, Samantha, Jack, Tucker, Chamois, Madison, the Greyhounds and their Staffordshire brother. Mom's zogs, Choo Choo and Charlotte. Gemini - RIP. Elyse's Shelby and Katie. And every other furbaby I've ever met, and those I haven't. And all the others who have let me love them, may they rest in peace - Heidi, Pepi, Heidi, Babi, Gretchen, Sunny, Ruby, Sam, Lady, Jesse, Sophie, Oliver, Kippy, Angel, Abby, Gus...............................................................................................................................................................
- My darling Kate
- and of course Chris Geoff and Laura. The family I never had.... I'll know and love this one forever.
- my momma. And the fact that she TRULY has done a 180 with herself. Talked to her last night, and she listed allll the foods she's making today, all the nifty kitchen gadgets she's wanting now that she's cooking again. We have more *good* talks than not nowadays. She actually seems sorta Happy! I never thought I'd see the day. The hope I'd had for her I'd actually lost, just before she found it herself. Seeing that - I know that ANYTHING in life is possible, if you set your mind to it.
- my beautiful yellow house. My *home*. I love it. I loved it the first day we saw it, and we truly have made it a Home. We'll probably always have a project list, of little things to tinker with and fine tune, but, if we're gonna live in Rhode Island, this is the place for me.
I love the bathtub, the fireplace, the all enclosed fence we put up, the garden we put in this year, all the walls I've painted, all the fab projects sweetie has done including our fab kitchen, and our new fab neighbors - oh, and their Bandit!! I forgot that sweet lil Jack Russell! *smoosh*
- my good good friends. Elyse, Katia, Sabrina.... Michele and Darla....Sunny...Scott...Don....
- Kate's little girlfriends - I love those girls. Bianca, Belle, Ashley, Rachel.... and all the others.
- ebay. :)
- my college degrees.
- getting to Go to college - twice. Completely different experiences - wouldn't trade a day. Well, maybe a few, but....
- the beautiful house I lived in in Nashville for 6 years. What a life.
- all my travels. Driving from Indiana to California and back twice. 3 of those legs completely by myself. Life changing.
- getting married in Kauai on the beach. Only regret no one was present for *me*.
- our planned 10th anniv. trip back to Kauai. Am hoping a few people come along for the ride this time.
- Oprah.
- Madonna... Julia Roberts.... and all other entertainers I admire and actually respect.
- Tivo. :)
- Netflix.
- my magazines and books. Yes, my cup currently runneth over, but, I Love that I love to read.
- chick blogs. Love reading them. Love those gals and how they tell their truth.
- my families - though I currently don't talk to any of them. The Harpers - what a shame.
The Vances - shame on you. Dolores and Steven - well, I miss my brother. Mom's family - your loss.
- my dad. Even though he was a lying cheating hypocritical bastard, he was my daddy. He loved me the best he could I suppose, and I'll always miss him. Esp. with so many things left unsaid and unresolved.
- Living in San Francisco for 2 years.
- learning to appreciate living in Rhode Island, even though it's taken me 6 years to do so.
- beaches.
- flowers.
- music.
- people who forgive me. Who love me sometimes in spite of myself.
- learning to let go of people who aren't positive influences.
- standing up for myself, regardless of the consequence.
- my Vue. :)
- the fact that, right now, more or less, I have a perfectly working, functioning body.
- that Katia came to visit me recently. What a wonderful experience.
- my ability to take a couple trips next year - to visit Sabrina in Alabama, to have mom come visit me here for a while, maybe to visit Sunny in Boulder....
- the child spirit who hovers above me, waiting for me to decide it's time for her to be born.
- the fact that George Bush has less than 3 years left in office. God help us.
- Air America radio (even though Providence recently DROPPED it!!), and all other outlets like it.
- The Bold and the Beautiful. :) The one remaining soap I still watch, and now have sweetie watching with me.
- all my other fave tv shows. I Love tv, ok???? It doesn't mean Anything other than that!
I look forward to watching them and miss them when they go.
- my two second level parents - my mother in law and my step dad. They're good people and I appreciate that they love me.
- air conditioning.
- Starbucks and Whole Foods.
- seeing the mailman come up my street.
well, that's a good start. I may come back to this and add to later on.
Things aren't perfect, I mess up, but, I'm grateful for what I've got, the person I've chosen to be, and those who have helped and supported me in the past, and who love me now.
Oh, two more:
- having hope that Bush won't completely fuck Everything up before he's outta there, and I can be Proud of the U.S. again,
- all my blog friends. Small group that it is - the ones whom I visit and the ones who visit me - EVEN THOUGH NONE OF THEM LEAVE ME COMMENTS!!!!!!
(i check my site meter people.. I Know where you are! Can't ya just give me a small holler every now and then?? Please????)
Cheers, people.
Find things, little and big, in your own life to be grateful for. Not just today - but every day you draw breath and see the open sky above you.
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