Sports Injuries

See me here? I am holding a golf club.
Note the smile? This is before I've actually used it. I'm just happy cause it's Pink!
My sweetie wants me to play with him next year... he has a regular crew most weekends now - work buddies - but he says he'd Still like me to play with him! Go figure! I thought he'd WANT the boy-playtime-awayfromtheballandchain! ;)
So, anyhoo, he bought me this nifty girl set from Target and we went to the driving range Sunday to break these in and see if I can actually HIT the ball.
Well, turns out I can... I did somewhat ok. There were at least a few balls that actually went out, up and straight. I have NO idea how that happened, but it was a nice occasional mistake. ;)
I finally got fatigued after hitting about, oh, 438 balls, and let sweetie hit the rest of mine.
The next day, had a bit of tenderness in my upper abs and forearm. To be expected. Nothing to prevent me from doing Taebo - felt great.
Tuesday, noticed a 'catch' in my back on the right side. Hmm.
Wednesday - well, a little stiff in the back still, but, Taebo calls!
At the 26 minute mark (a new record), took a water and catching my breath break... then decided it was a potty break... I was already coming down from the workout high enough to think, eh, do I Really want to finish the workout? Well, I planned to, until I found myself Very Nearly unable to get up off the toilet! As in, Can't Stand! As in, I'm all hunched over with that spot in my back Torturing me with pain like I've never felt, having me panting for breath, and making like a contortionist to figure out How exactly to get upright again without just falling over and writhing in pain like the lady on tv who fell and couldn't get up!
Clearly, the workout was over for the day. Hopped in the shower - minute by minute it just got worse and worse. Couldn't even properly bend over to wash my calves with the scrubbie! Had to LIFT my knee while holding onto the wall to even come close. And flipping my hair over to rinse it like I usually do? Hah!
This is getting serious now. Minutes ago, I was punching and kicking like a warrior. Now I can barely move. Hmmm.
Still had to go walk Casey... was interesting trying to hold him on the leash and bend over to pick up the poo. Didn't fall though.
Finished my walk with him....gave lots of love to him and Mittens. I love him so much. What a muffin. I'm thinking I may quit doing it though. His dad, Richard, is a bit of an ass. Always accusing me of doing things, like losing the leash, letting the cat out, not locking the door, or, in the case of Tuesday night when he called me at home - accusing of Locking the door, so the plumber couldn't get in that afternoon. Wow - the NERVE of me! Making sure the door was secure on a million dollar house on the water, filled with expensive crap AND his two pets. Yeah, I'm a real idiot Richard! Thanks A) for letting me KNOW thru my mindreading capabilities that you wanted the door left open and B) calling me in a huff and ruining my evening.
With winter coming, and it taking me about 2 hours to do this every day, for 20 bucks - nice as it is to have that tiny bit of extra cash (when he remembers to pay me), I think I'm going to have to bid adieu soon.
Anyhoo... as the day progressed, I got worse and worse. 5 advil and a migraine pill later - not much better. We had to go to the store to get Tday dinner fixins last night - could barely get out of the car.
Fast forward... took a Valium from the stash mom gave me long ago, cranked up the heating pad to high - slept somewhat decently. I think I may be able to move like the almost 40 yr old I am, instead of the 80+ yr old I was yesterday.
Will I be up for Taebo tomorrow morning? The jury is out.
I will not be deterred though! I have my semi-monthly weigh in and measuring to do on Monday!
I suppose it's good to find out NOW that I'm in way worse shape than I thought, so I can Taebo my ass off all winter and have a modicum of a chance of being able to actually play a round of golf next summer.
Just for the record, my dear wife DID do very well on her first golf outing. Definitely got the hang of the driver and the 7-wood, irons will come later. But she hit enough good shots to make a 9-hole round tolerable. I feel bad that she's so sore from it, but it does happen, and it'll get better as her body gets used to that unnatural motion. I just need to convince her that it's worth doing it again, though not too soon.
We so love you sweetie
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