I *heart* Madonna

THIS is what is going to keep me on track with my Taebo. And yoga. And running. Whatever else I might do to be fit and healthy.
To look like this at 46 (when this photo was taken) would be incredible. It may take me that long to get anywhere close to where she is, but, it's a journey worth taking on I think.
I've always admired her workout ethic. She looked fine to me before she started all this, but, seeing her perform at the Europe MTV awards in nothing but a little leotard and knee high boots - GAW. Not a thing jiggled and her ass looked Fantastic! ;)
I feel good about getting up early today and getting my workout done.
It's not even 10:00 and I'm already showered and about to have my Kashi. I've also learned the value of 'eating to live' and feeling healthy and clean as a result. Sure, I give in to my poptarts cravings at times, or M. makes a Dunkin Donut run on the weekends, but, I know to get back on my game, I have to eat what is best for my body and mental well-being at times.
I don't know if or when I'll ever make the jump to being a vegan, which philosophically I'd like to do. I support PETA in their efforts and really don't think 'meat' is necessary to sustain us. There are a zillion other things to eat that are much better. But shit, it does taste good at times.
And sugar??
Well, I have given it up before.. went thru an actual Withdrawal that was scary, but.... I just really REALLY like certain things, and don't want to stop having them forever.
Like, M and I have talked many times about giving up Coke. We've done it before... having just more water, or making iced tea, or cranberry juice or whatever. But, I realized last weekend after slaving away in the yard all day and pouring a glass of icy cold coke, that it was TOO fucking good to just never have again. It quenches like water can't do at times.
So... what finally just makes sense is Moderation. What you always hear, but seems to take a while to actually sink into consciousness... have what you want, do what you want, but, aim for at least half the time making better choices. Good begets good. Sloth begets sloth.
So, today I made it to 20 minutes before needing a water break. Then at 24 minutes. Then at 26 minutes. But then I made it thru the rest of the (44 min) tape. It's always worth getting thru it all to the Taebo cooldown. Getting that 'rush' as you start to come down from working so hard feels good. And now showered, I feel.. spent. And yet oddly somewhat energized.
So - productive day ahead...
Finish Fearless Living homework. Go walk Casey. Go to Home Depot and get a bit more mulch for the yard, and caulk for the tub... hmmm... something from Target.... well, want to get an electric blanket. And I wanna stop in Cohoes. It's right nearby and I've never been in, but Kate tells me it's Fab. Designer stuff at discount. If they have plus size stuff, they'll have me - cause Target just has NOT been cutting it lately with their TEENYTINYFUCKINGSMALL plus size section - which is all Smushed into the fucking Maternity section!!! Pisses me off royally.
I've been getting some nice stuff at Old Navy. But shit. I'm tired of these slim pickin's. Can't wait to start getting into the "regular" sizes. Though, hells bells, some designers consider a SIZE 12 to be plus size these days!! I'd LOVE to be a 12!! Ultimately, I DO want to be at least a 6. I don't see anything wrong with that goal, esp. if a lot of it is muscle. Would be nice to experience size 4, but, hey, I'm trying to be reasonable here. :)
Oh... and when I get home - time to tackle those DUSTBUNNIES!! Ugh I can't take it anymore!!!
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