I'm a 39 yr old married chick who's pondering mommahood, becoming at peace with who I am at long last, finding my voice in this world... and you get to hear it. Lucky lucky you. ;) I am an INFP.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Fuck the Fucking Fuckers!

People Fucking SUCK, man!
Had the Worst Fucking Day today and everybody in it just sucked Ass.
I am going to become a hermit and just stay in 24/7 with my animals and the tv and the computer and my husband, and That's IT!

Let me just say this, in obtuse conclusion - being "NICE" gets you fucking Nowhere, man!
You see 'nice' - Fuckers see "DOORMAT!"

..............................time for dinner with my honey. I still, and always will, love him.
lucky me.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Rescue Me

Love this show. Denis Leary is awesome. Funny, cute.. Tall. Glad we finally started watching this. Loved his old cop show, and his standup.

Still getting in the swing of this blogging thing. Have spent lots of time lately surfing other chick blogs. Love it! A whole new world has opened up..and, cliche - I don't feel so alone in the world anymore. The list grows every day, because each cool chick has a list of cool chick blog they like to read, and I check them out, and voila - worlds just keep opening up.
A shout-out to "maddenroundtheland's" mrtl. She recommended the hair care line Artec, Textureline. It took me FOREVER to 're-find' that blog again.. finally I did, and saw that I didn't quite buy the Right product at the store the other day, but do love what I got - smoothing creme. Anything to help tame my curls/frizz, and make my damaged hair silkier.
Also, a HeyThanks to carol-anne at womanmoose for a pic of the most Awesome shade of red hair - Must Get!

so... zipped thru some stored Tivo stuff I'll never get to, and now trying to think of something brilliant to put in here, not that anyone is reading. yet. ? maybe someday.

Got some new mags today.. did I mention i'm addicted? NEED to subscribe, and start saving money.
Today I got: Animal Fair, Rhode Island Monthly, More, New York, and Breathe.
'course, that's to add to the stack of Thousands I still have to go thru and won't throw away.
Was thinking about that today, and why I've become such a hoarder.. I think this particular aspect can be traced to my mom (isn't everything traceable back to dear ole mum??) and her throwing away ALLLLLL my Archie comics without telling me. I Knew they were in the garage, in a bag, not looked at for ages - I was Storing Them!! I Loved my Archie and Veronica and Betty and Reggie and Jughead comics when I was little. Loved'em. And Poof - gone!
Now, I just Can't get rid of the millions of mags I buy... I MUST.. they are literally overtaking the house, but... maybe this summer. We'll see. Living a few days in a row without a migraine would be LOVELY. I just might be motivated to do something productive then.

Ok.. feel like reading others' brilliant thoughts now.
Will try to get more interesting. I swear I have things to say. 12:18 in the morn ain't really the time to do it though. The nighttime allergy pill and my Zoloft are kicking in and am getting very verrrry sleepy.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Coconut Ice Cream

What, am I obsessed with food or something?
Just so happens. You know how it is.

Have discovered the most Wonderful thing!
Coconut Almond Joy ice cream!
And I didn't even use to like coconut!!
Now, I have the most amazing recipe for a coconut cake...mmmmm... and then I come across this ice cream! I'm all about the coconut ice cream at the moment!
Problem is, I can only find it at this ONE shop, and it's a half hour from me. Grrrr.

I've already written to Ben and Jerry, so don't even think about stealing my idea.

Of course, I realize coconut ice cream is vastly different from my last post of steel cut oats
(correction: it's not McCain oats I used, it's Arrowhead Mills), but, I never claimed to be perfect.
And this on the heels of finding out my former 400 pound mother is now 160 pounds... which is exactly 100 pounds LESS than she was when I visited her last October!!! When we were the same weight! Except, I'm STILL that same weight, and the bitch (luv ya mom) now weighs what I WANNA WEIGH!!!!
fuck Me.

On the positive side, I HAVE finally made it back to the gym. Twice no less. Then my "visitor" sidetracked me... but am determined to get back in there Monday, full steam ahead.
Got new workout shoes, found my Madonna remix cd, located all the necessary clothes... I'm all set.
And as I told hubby, I actually LIKE working out, as in, the Process of Doing it. When I'm pushing myself and sweating on the treadmill, I actually Love how that feels! I'm just remembering all the times Oprah has said how much she hates working out. Well, girlfriend needs to get herself a discman! The only way I can ever walk/run any sort of distance.

We saw Oasis in concert tonight.
A - Can't remember the last concert I went to.
Oh wait. Actually, it was Madonna last summer. :) But before THAT it had been ages
B - Can't remember the last time I smelled pot. THAT was years and years ago. Like, another freaking Lifetime ago!!
C - I didn't think I 'felt' older... but....surrounded by 20somethings tonight.. Yeah, I feel older. And I'm ok with that. Wouldn't trade places with any of them. Wouldn't mind their extra 20 or so years of life on me, but.... w/e.
Oasis was good. We left before 'Wonderwall' to beat the traffic. In fact, we RACED our old asses to the car, trying to assess from the cheering crowd how much time we had to make it out the gates. But, got to hear Champagne Supernova.. that was good. And Liam is a hottie, even though I couldn't see his face with that freaking hat on and bad lighting. Oh well. At least they showed up for the gig, which was more than I expected to begin with.

I think the nanny thing is winding down sooner than I expected.
My girl... little miss who is entering high school next year.... called me "hired help" the other day.
I've been there OVER 5 FREAKING YEARS! Have been there for her more than her own freaking Mother at times... MANY times!! And she STiLL thinks of me as the HELP.
Well, Fuck All.
Time for this 'chauffeur' to start retirement. And for Little Miss to come off her high horse.
Am starting to really enjoy my increased time at home anyway. I LOVE being home, with my babies, doing what I want. Heck, I might even start cleaning this place if this keeps up. Anything is possible. Though, i DO still want a housekeeper. I'm Taaahhhrd.

Good Hell. 3:00 am. Why am I still up?
Zoloft hasn't kicked in yet I guess. Or could it be the junior whopper meal I got on the way home from the concert? : /
Yes, i am TOO trying to lose weight! I'd barely eaten anything today! : p

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Steel Cut Oats

Mmm mmm. Almost 40 and I've finally learned the value of a good solid breakfast. Who knew?
Here's what I do, if you're interested. I use McCain's brand, and frankly, I make two servings for myself. That's 16 grams of fiber at one sitting, ya'll! ;) Anyway, while it's cooking, cut up one Gala apple, and give 1/4 of it to my dogs. Add dashes of cinnamon, mix that up with cooked oatmeal. Add a smidge of milk. Seriously. It's a bit of effort, but it's so good, and you'll thank me for it. And your doctor will love you.

Tonight PRESIDENT Clinton is on Letterman. Must remember to watch. I miss him. I don't care what he did seckshully... I just miss having someone I felt safe with leading our nation and representin'. Soooo embarrassed about my current representation. I didn't sign up for that.

Here's my current dilemma (among many, but gotta start somewhere).. how to control allergies without taking an antihistamine at night, which works Fab, but, makes me completely druggy all the next morning?
Would moving to Hawaii help that??
Just found out my husband's co-worker/former boss was offered a job in Hawaii for $500Gs and TURNED IT DOWN because he didn't want to move away from his family.
As he told me, I was already mentally packing up my essentials and thinking we'd just leave the rest for the new homeowners to deal with and envisioning an entirely new lifestyle on the Island. But then again, I also heard about the tsunami scare on the west coast... how would the 50th state fare with such a thing?? Scary.

Having been here nearly 6 years now, I can almost get behind calling Rhode Island my home. Hated it the first, oh, 3 or so years.. having our own house the last 2 has helped immensely. I love my little yellow house. We still have plans for what we want to do with it, but it's so cozy and *mine*. Plus, plenty of room for all the babies, esp. Mister. He has a fireplace in the winter, a fenced in yard to ramble around in, a deck to sun on... Everything I always wanted for him all these years. He's happy. I'm happy.

God I hate Star Jones. Love the View. Hate her. And, not for nuthin, but I HATE that she's gotten so much smaller. She Does look better, but it just makes her head so much bigger, in all ways. How she has so many celeb friends I have no clue. Can't they all see thru her too??

FINALLY got my fat ass to the gym yesterday. 30 minutes on the treadmill listening to my Madonna remix cd my friend Scott made me for my bday - felt good. Have appt. with my trainer next Tues. to reorient with the weights. Though, HAVE to get new shoes. Got heel blisters in that short time and my toes were shmoosing. Why the hell is it so hard to get shoes to fit well??

Oh, hence the name of my blog, if you're wondering. At least the flip flop part. I have ONLY discovered the joys of flip flop livin' in the past couple summers, and I LUV them!!
I should count how many pairs I have now, but they're SOOO cute now, and SOOO comfy, and look good with Any outfit!!
And frankly, any time I've tried to wear other kinds of shoes, they end up hurting so much, I stop at the first store and buy a new pair of flippies!
Case in point - on my trip to SF last month, wore a new pair of cute pink slide-in tennies from Target. Cute cute cute. Felt great at first. Hoofin' it thru the Minneapolis airport however, became a HUGE problem, in the form of a forming blister. THANK GOD for Land's End! They have a store in that airport!! AND they had flippies! Two for $20 - how can you beat that??
They saved my life that day. Thanks Lands End! (btw, I'm a size 10 and open to free stuff.) ;)

Ok... the other thing on my mind, having recently gone shopping for some new shorts for summer... I should become a plus size clothes designer. Because the people doing it Now, Don't Know What the Hell They're Doing!!!
Dont ya think I like to look as cute as my size 4 skinny-ass sisters???
Yeah, OKKKKK, I KNOW it's not as pleasing to the eye, seeing your designs on my size 22 ass, but STILL! I'm a cute girl! I fix my hair, do my makeup, get pedicures and wear cute flippies... Why is it so hard to find Good Cheap clothes that are fab??
ESPECIALLY you, Target!
Here's a tip... us big girls have all different sizes with our extra weight. And just because our Hips might be hippier, doesn't mean our Waist is the size of a tire!
Barring that.. ELASTIC.
And no, not because it lets me eat more, you piss-ant. Because it'll fit my MUCH SMALLER waist much better, and I won't have a gap in the back you can stick both arms thru, THATS WHY!!
Plus, let's SAY I'm going to lose weight. Drawstrings and Elastic will keep me wearing said item Much longer than something that will just slide off my slimming hips, because the way Ya'll design, what's to stop it???

I've had SOOOO many ideas of things I want to wear over the years, that Aren't available, and then Presto, 10-15 years later, There it is, on the racks.
Case in point?? Spanx. IIIIIIII shoulda been the creator of spanx undergarments!
Because I've been wearing Bicycle Shorts under my dresses and skirts for years!!!
I do NOT wear "hose" any more, but I also don't want my chubby thighs sticking together when I walk and sit! My method however, has been a smidge bulky at times. Yet, because all the magazines show these skinny bitches breezing around in short shorts and their legs don't rub together, I felt ashamed that I would need such an item.
Yet - you know what?? Just found out freaking OPRAH has been wearing Spanx under her dresses forever!!

No, I'm not bitter. Just frustrated.

Lovin' me some chick blogs these days

Ok.. have just set this up.. no time to actually DO anything right now...
but lots more Really cool and Really interesting things to come! Swear!
Including pics of my most Fabulous furry babies. :)

cheers ya'll.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Me and Mister Man Posted by Hello