I'm a 39 yr old married chick who's pondering mommahood, becoming at peace with who I am at long last, finding my voice in this world... and you get to hear it. Lucky lucky you. ;) I am an INFP.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Monday Meme

Manic Monday's Theme:BED

1. If you could have any single kind of appliance attached to your bed, what you it be?

ummm, i'd like to invent a new one if i'm gonna do this at all - a combo dorm frig/microwave. Presto! all food needs met. true sloth - hail ye

2.If you could have a single button beside your bed that did one thing, what would you want it to do?

i'd like to invent something for this too - an automatic muter for the tv. as soon as commercials come on - tv goes mute, thus eliminating the need for me to scramble for the clicker under my laptop and mountain of things i'm reading all at once.
so, the single button would turn this auto muter on. :)

3 .If you could have any view in the world visible from your bed, what would it be?

the view from Princeville Resort in Kauai.

4. If you had to name the most beautiful bed you have ever occupied, what would it be?

unless i'm forgetting something, it would be at the Hotel Monaco in San Francisco.
though, that wasn't so much the bed, as the room in its entirety.

Friday, March 10, 2006

A fun list

< the basement, pre- new chairrail and minus our cherry furniture - bookcases, futon and entertainment center that now occupy it. when it's Done and Perfect - will post finished version

4 Things I Need Every Morning
• to hug my dogs
• kiss goodbye from my sweetie
• breakfast
• laptop

4 Things that Turn Me Off
• christians
• republicans
• cranky old people - yes, i still hate my neighbor. bitch!
• unstable people

4 Things I Believe In
• my baby's love for me
• that i am living my life right now exactly as i'm meant to - wouldn't change a thing
• unconditional love for all animals, especially my 3 dogs and 3 cats
• the all-emcompassing and uniting and creative energy that is the Universe

4 Things I Am Afraid Of
• death, before i'm ready
• extreme heights - bungy jumping - no; skydiving - no; falling to the earth in a crashing plane - no thank you
• something happening to any of my loved ones
• chipping a tooth

4 Things I Do Everyday
• surf
• kiss my babies and my husband
• bath or shower (i do luv my 2 hour bubble baths)
• eat something sweet

4 Things I Want to Do Before I Die

hmmmmmm.... very interesting... will be pondering this long after i finish this list...

4 People I Want to See
• my friends Brini and Fi, Oprah, and..... think I'll hold onto that 4th choice for now.

4 Numbers that Rule My Life
2281966 - my bday; 1697 - day i met my honey online, and the day a year later he proposed; 9131997 - the day we met; 651999 - the day we married. :)

4 Favorite Colors
• pink
• green
• white
• reserving that choice for now too

no wait... red.. the color of my cave dwelling that is my bedroom. :)

3 Names You Won’t Answer to
• skipping this, b/c a lot of new people tend to call me a variation of my name, and it makes no nevermind to me nohow, and so far other names I'm called are very endearing to me. they are Di - by my girl; Franny - by my bosom buddy; gertrude/motor mouth - by my mom when i was little; sweetie/honey/baby/punkin/puppy - any and all things my sweetiehoneybabypunkinpuppy calls me. :)
• actually, there is one i don't care for - whenever my mom said 'dianalynn' - usually meant trouble was afoot.

3 Parts of Your Heritage

not that I know, because I have no Written proof of anything - thanks hillbilly family!
• Irish
• Welsh
• Cherokee

3 Things You are Wearing Right Now
• undies - der
• pajama bottoms - i'd live in them if i could... though, come to think of it, i've found a way to wear them most of the day lately :)
• pajama top - not matching, but always color coordinated with the bottoms :)

3 Favorite Songs
.... but not necessarily my top 3 ....
• september, by EWF
• Summer Wind, by Sinatra
• One Headlight, Jacob Dylan's band

3 of Your Hobbies
• any form of entertainment via media - surfing, tv/movies, magazines, books
• my furry babies
• organizing

adding a fourth - creative outlet, such as painting. we're currently redoing the basement, and i get lost for hours on end painting all of it to perfection. next up - touching up the whole rest of the house (considering i painted every surface of it when we moved in 3 years ago - def. some spots that need another going over)

3 Places You Want to Visit
• Ireland - check - going there this summer :)
• Greece
• Australia

3 Ways You are Unstereotypically Male/Female
• well, i think i'm pretty girly girl, but the only thing that comes to mind is i can cuss a storm when properly motivated (i.e. huge anger such as anytime i see my bitch neighbor)

The Birds Have Arrived!

what the hell - that's as good a reason as any to post.
if i were a GOOD blogger, like megan is - I woulda taken some PICTURES of those dang ole birds who were swarming my backyard birdfeeder today!
note to self - ... well, you know what it is.

sure haven't felt like posting lately have i?
and no, i'm Not going to use capital letters anymore unless i damn well feel like it. so deal.
i don't do it in IMs or email, so i ain't a'doin' it here neither.

Lotsa stuff has happened in the, oh, THREE months since last we visited.
what's most important??
oh let's just randomly tawk....

- we got a new kitty. her picture is above. her name is Reva. she came with the name rhonda, but i didn't like that.
long story short - i got an itch to get a new kitty. i Wanted a white and/or orange Kitten. so i started checking out petfinder.com.. or org. whatever it is.
then i checked my local news site - they do a shelter pet every tuesday.
i saw her picture.
she'd been in there for over a year. her kittens were long ago adopted, and she was still there.
i mean, that Face!
she wasn't white, or orange, or a kitten.. but, i knew she was destined to be mine.
so, applied for the adoption, got her later that week, and it's been, um, 5 or 6 weeks now and she's doing really well.
kept her closed off in her own room for the first week - she was really spazzy at first. had short visits with her. got her used to the feeling that she wouldn't have to go to petco every saturday anymore. then had longer visits. then started leaving the door open - gate up (WHY OH WHY do dogs like cat poop????). bella and chia started hopping to fence to visit. went mostly ok.
then, i took her in the bathroom with me one saturday when i took a long 2 hour bath. it was only then she realized i think that there was more to her new home than that one room. so slowly she started coming out and exploring little by little. then i stopped putting food in her room so she'd have to go downstairs where we feed the other two and get it there.
did i say long story short???
anyway. now her litter box has been moved to the basement, with the other two. (a 4th is in the bathroom up here, but only my crazy cat uses that one - it's a "Clever Cat" style - with a hole in the top of the lid, instead of the side like usual. keeps the poop eating beagle out, but so far also keeps out 2 of my 3 kitties.
so... she came in the bathroom today while i was drying my hair and circled my legs.. as cats do.
she tolerates me picking her up from her cozy bed and holding her in here in a big hug in my room while we watch tv - dogs and cats all around snoozing.
i wuv her.

- we are going to the UK in July to see LUCIANO PAVOROTTI!!!
my honey is So fucking awesome!
long story short -
i mentioned in dec. that i got a cd at starbucks that has a luciano song on it that i loved. mentioned that it would be cool to hear him in person one day - his voice Moves me.
(it also moves our two moms, but that's not actually my influence - i just luv what i luv ;))
um.. so... xmas prezzie day - he approaches with a "3 part gift".
#1 - luciano cd - cool!
#2 - a book on etiquette and customs in Great Britain - ummmm..... HUH?????
#3 - a printout from ticketmaster of our tickets to see the Great One at Warwick Fucking Castle this summer!!! i mean, REALLY!!!
who woulda ever thought??????
blew me away.
so, now we need to book our flights soon and get busy doing homework on how best to use our time there. i think we're actually gonna do 4 days in UK and 6 days in Ireland.
our beloved dog Max was a Kerry Beagle, from, natch, County Kerry on the Green Isle, and so we have fantasies of researching his breed while there and finding ourselves a new little puppy max. don't know how realistic that is, but since i think i have irish roots (have i ever metioned my hillbilly family NEVER apparently kept track of the history of our heritage??), i wanna see the homeland and such.
so, that's fun. :)

- um... god. i know there's tons more to talk about. but it's after midnight and the ole sleepin pills are kicking in.

but, i will say this - i miss my fi - hope you're back online soon sweetie.
my husband's brother had a baby, and apparently i'm not supposed to give a shit, so i'm not gonna. dont miss him and apparently it's mutual, so fuck'em.
feel so grateful for my 3 other bestest friends who remembered my bday last week.
oh that.
yeah. i turned 40.
i'll stream of consciousness about that later.
still dealing.
so, hey, if you're here, drop me a howdy will ya?

p.s. - mark - get the FUCK outta my dreams man!